Past projects
2012 – Genius design for a better everyday

Global Gold Award: Students
Sebastian Reichel
Walking is a basic need of our locomotion system. For elderly people or those recovering from injuries, it is an excellent exercise for remaining fit and healthy. “Agilˮ is an adaptive walking aid with responsive and flexible polymer support structures designed to maintain a high level of freedom and sensitivity while walking. “Agilˮ allows for a natural walking motion since it provides a more even distribution of body weight, thus creating an equilibrium that reduces the incidence of tumbling. Walking can remain dynamic and spirited, thus promoting health or supporting the recovery process.
Finding of the jury
Jurors were positive about “Agilˮ. They felt that focus here was on the right economic solution and the right functionality. It is an improvement over the current product, achieving more comfort. It is adapted to human function, rather than forcing the user to adapt to it. The overall opinion was that “Agilˮ was well thought through, from how it responds to contact with the ground and a dynamic, almost life-like response to human motion, to its ergonomic form that supports the hand and elbow. It uses flexible material to provide more spring.
Jurors stated that, compared to other products in the market, it is a good optimization of an existing product. It is more rounded and has a better design. In general, it was considered to be a big step in the right direction. The jury stated that it was not a revolution, but rather an evolution, showing that improvements can be made even to those products that seemed to be finally evolved.
Finding of the jury
Jurors were positive about “Agilˮ. They felt that focus here was on the right economic solution and the right functionality. It is an improvement over the current product, achieving more comfort. It is adapted to human function, rather than forcing the user to adapt to it. The overall opinion was that “Agilˮ was well thought through, from how it responds to contact with the ground and a dynamic, almost life-like response to human motion, to its ergonomic form that supports the hand and elbow. It uses flexible material to provide more spring.
Jurors stated that, compared to other products in the market, it is a good optimization of an existing product. It is more rounded and has a better design. In general, it was considered to be a big step in the right direction. The jury stated that it was not a revolution, but rather an evolution, showing that improvements can be made even to those products that seemed to be finally evolved.

Global Silver Award: Students
Jussi Koskimäki
“First Aid Coverˮ aims to help and inform people in emergencies, especially focusing on situations involving unconscious victims. “First Aid Coverˮ provides information on how to use different methods to help an unconscious victim, from basic recovery position to CPR steps. In these kinds of emergency situations, people might not act to help the victim if they don’t know first aid procedures or are afraid of doing something wrong, thus making the victim’s situation even worse. “First Aid Coverˮ provides clear information on how to handle an unconscious victim, helping even untrained persons to act in emergency situations.
Consisting of a textile blanket with printed on information graphics, “First Aid Coverˮ is a low-cost product that can be installed in public and private spaces to make them safer. The product can also be added to existing first aid kits. Its information graphics show how to act in emergency situations. The cover itself can also provide shelter in outdoor conditions while waiting for rescuers to arrive.
According to the Office of National Statistics, England and Wales, in the UK in 2008, up to 150,000 people died in situations where first aid could have given them chance to live. While there are many products designed to help in emergency situations, the recovery position and CPR are mostly left to be learned in first aid courses. This concept aims to bring this knowledge into the situation itself, so that even the novice has a chance to help a victim. The textile material also provides a foldable structure, so it doesn’t take up much space and can be easily brought to the scene of the emergency.
Finding of the jury
The jury found the “First Aid Coverˮ to be a very simple, self-explanatory, everyday, yet iconic product that aids survival and provides comfort, shelter, and warmth. Although an accident situation is not pleasant, the blanket itself is. It can also be used in training situations such as first aid courses.
The manner in which the concept has been implemented was found to be straightforward, functional, and visually appealing, generating interest and acceptance at the same time. The jurors admitted that this everyday object can be used by children or anyone else to learn how to help, yet in a sort of passive, playful way, not just in an accident situation, thus acquainting children with the importance of helping others.
Consisting of a textile blanket with printed on information graphics, “First Aid Coverˮ is a low-cost product that can be installed in public and private spaces to make them safer. The product can also be added to existing first aid kits. Its information graphics show how to act in emergency situations. The cover itself can also provide shelter in outdoor conditions while waiting for rescuers to arrive.
According to the Office of National Statistics, England and Wales, in the UK in 2008, up to 150,000 people died in situations where first aid could have given them chance to live. While there are many products designed to help in emergency situations, the recovery position and CPR are mostly left to be learned in first aid courses. This concept aims to bring this knowledge into the situation itself, so that even the novice has a chance to help a victim. The textile material also provides a foldable structure, so it doesn’t take up much space and can be easily brought to the scene of the emergency.
Finding of the jury
The jury found the “First Aid Coverˮ to be a very simple, self-explanatory, everyday, yet iconic product that aids survival and provides comfort, shelter, and warmth. Although an accident situation is not pleasant, the blanket itself is. It can also be used in training situations such as first aid courses.
The manner in which the concept has been implemented was found to be straightforward, functional, and visually appealing, generating interest and acceptance at the same time. The jurors admitted that this everyday object can be used by children or anyone else to learn how to help, yet in a sort of passive, playful way, not just in an accident situation, thus acquainting children with the importance of helping others.

Global Bronze Award: Students
Dirk Hessenbruch
“moˮ is an urban mobility system that combines the desire for sustainability with a higher quality of life. The mobility system takes the needs of users as its starting point. “moˮ could be implemented inexpensively and rapidly and would require only a moderate amount of technical infrastructure/outlay. In the form of a smartphone app, “moˮ becomes a practical “location-based serviceˮ that encourages spontaneous use of the mobility system even when on the go.
The heart of the “moˮ system is the strategy of offering local public transportation in connection with various individual rental vehicles. From bikes and cargo bikes all the way to electric bikes and cars, “moˮ members are intended to be able to choose from a comprehensive, single-source range of vehicles as spontaneously as possible – whatever their situation. Bulky goods can be transported with the cargo bike, longer distances travelled with an electric bike – vehicles that represent a more eco-friendly alternative to the car are available for all kinds of usage scenarios.
The system uses positive incentives to encourage “moˮ members to make more sustainable choices. Depending on the means of transport they opt for, “moˮ members collect miles for the distances travelled that can then be redeemed within the system. Even when they use their own bicycle, they earn points in the “moˮ miles system – and are thus rewarded. Their accumulated “moˮ miles can for instance be used for a trip to the furniture store with a “moˮ car. The higher a member’s “moˮ mileage balance is, the less he pays. This encourages environmentally aware behavior and, ideally, gives members an incentive to change their habits in the long term.
Finding of the jury
Jurors were unanimously positive about this concept. It makes improvements not only in a single product; it also optimizes the overall context and increases awareness, actually changing how things are done. The concept is both a public transportation system as well as an individual product.
The jury liked the fact that the designers actually bring together and utilize existing things, without reinventing or redesigning them. Thus, it’s both a design as well as a meta-design. The concept integrates existing elements in the environment and adds value at the same time, as the bicycles are used by others when the owners don’t need them. Jurors felt that this also creates a platform for potentially new things to happen. People are encouraged to share their bicycles through incentives to earn more miles, which can be used for other things. This starts to drive behaviors, which is very positive in the spirit of this kind of system.
Jurors also appreciated the social aspects of this concept. It also provides users with an opportunity to connect with one another. They can use this as an entry point, similar to a club. They felt it was unique how this concept places focus on bicycles, which then spreads to the use of other things. This had been done with other systems or products, but not bicycles.
The heart of the “moˮ system is the strategy of offering local public transportation in connection with various individual rental vehicles. From bikes and cargo bikes all the way to electric bikes and cars, “moˮ members are intended to be able to choose from a comprehensive, single-source range of vehicles as spontaneously as possible – whatever their situation. Bulky goods can be transported with the cargo bike, longer distances travelled with an electric bike – vehicles that represent a more eco-friendly alternative to the car are available for all kinds of usage scenarios.
The system uses positive incentives to encourage “moˮ members to make more sustainable choices. Depending on the means of transport they opt for, “moˮ members collect miles for the distances travelled that can then be redeemed within the system. Even when they use their own bicycle, they earn points in the “moˮ miles system – and are thus rewarded. Their accumulated “moˮ miles can for instance be used for a trip to the furniture store with a “moˮ car. The higher a member’s “moˮ mileage balance is, the less he pays. This encourages environmentally aware behavior and, ideally, gives members an incentive to change their habits in the long term.
Finding of the jury
Jurors were unanimously positive about this concept. It makes improvements not only in a single product; it also optimizes the overall context and increases awareness, actually changing how things are done. The concept is both a public transportation system as well as an individual product.
The jury liked the fact that the designers actually bring together and utilize existing things, without reinventing or redesigning them. Thus, it’s both a design as well as a meta-design. The concept integrates existing elements in the environment and adds value at the same time, as the bicycles are used by others when the owners don’t need them. Jurors felt that this also creates a platform for potentially new things to happen. People are encouraged to share their bicycles through incentives to earn more miles, which can be used for other things. This starts to drive behaviors, which is very positive in the spirit of this kind of system.
Jurors also appreciated the social aspects of this concept. It also provides users with an opportunity to connect with one another. They can use this as an entry point, similar to a club. They felt it was unique how this concept places focus on bicycles, which then spreads to the use of other things. This had been done with other systems or products, but not bicycles.

Sustainability Award Winner: Students
Bruno Pagnoncelli
Closely linked to the history of Brazil, the Atlantic rain forest is home to great biodiversity and provides a number of forest services essential to the sustainability of ecosystems. Due to the historical process of degradation, of the original 130 million hectares of rain forest, only 28 million remain in fragments, 17 million of which are unproductive and abandoned. Herein lies the greatest potential for ecological restoration.
Given the high level of degradation and the low resilience of these areas, human intervention is needed to regenerate the forest in order to return as closely as possible to natural communities, including their structure and operation. Based on theories of natural succession and nucleation techniques, the “Nuclearioˮ Project is a geoengineering concept for forest restoration in degraded areas, aiming for large coverage, minimum maintenance and maximum efficiency. Produced on an industrial scale and made of biodegradable materials, it is designed to serve multiple functions such as protection from ants, accumulation of water, shade for the seedlings, crowning invasive species, as well as to be storable and able to glide.
Therefore, with the aim of turning these 17 million hectares into forest again, the “Nuclearioˮ Project is being funded in partnership with government and major sponsors and follows a GIS plan (Geographic Information System) developed by a multidisciplinary technical team. The “Nuclearioˮ assembly units remain in each region until they are dispersed by helicopters in the environment. As “Nuclearioˮ grows, forest fragments will begin to interconnect and exchange genetic material, moving towards a dynamic balance independently of human action.
Finding of the jury
The jurors found this to be an interesting marriage between simple technology and nature. They felt that the fact that the seedlings fall from the sky is both a poetic as well as fantastic idea. Actual planting of seedlings is not carried out by hand. On average, one of six seeds will become a tree, like it occurs in nature. Given the abundance of the seedlings, it doesn't matter if only one third actually grow into trees. Jurors stated that this seems very engineered and yet very rational, which is what makes it so interesting.
Jurors were also impressed by the level of thought that went into this uniquely complex system or solution. They could find no disadvantage or reason to think it would fail. If it works exactly as envisioned by the inventors, this would be a very special and appropriate project. They appreciated the fact that the product falls from the sky without knowing how it lands and in what situation, yet still grows into a tree. They felt that this is all very unique, especially because it is carried out using inexpensive, recyclable materials, which they found to be an impressive combination.
Given the high level of degradation and the low resilience of these areas, human intervention is needed to regenerate the forest in order to return as closely as possible to natural communities, including their structure and operation. Based on theories of natural succession and nucleation techniques, the “Nuclearioˮ Project is a geoengineering concept for forest restoration in degraded areas, aiming for large coverage, minimum maintenance and maximum efficiency. Produced on an industrial scale and made of biodegradable materials, it is designed to serve multiple functions such as protection from ants, accumulation of water, shade for the seedlings, crowning invasive species, as well as to be storable and able to glide.
Therefore, with the aim of turning these 17 million hectares into forest again, the “Nuclearioˮ Project is being funded in partnership with government and major sponsors and follows a GIS plan (Geographic Information System) developed by a multidisciplinary technical team. The “Nuclearioˮ assembly units remain in each region until they are dispersed by helicopters in the environment. As “Nuclearioˮ grows, forest fragments will begin to interconnect and exchange genetic material, moving towards a dynamic balance independently of human action.
Finding of the jury
The jurors found this to be an interesting marriage between simple technology and nature. They felt that the fact that the seedlings fall from the sky is both a poetic as well as fantastic idea. Actual planting of seedlings is not carried out by hand. On average, one of six seeds will become a tree, like it occurs in nature. Given the abundance of the seedlings, it doesn't matter if only one third actually grow into trees. Jurors stated that this seems very engineered and yet very rational, which is what makes it so interesting.
Jurors were also impressed by the level of thought that went into this uniquely complex system or solution. They could find no disadvantage or reason to think it would fail. If it works exactly as envisioned by the inventors, this would be a very special and appropriate project. They appreciated the fact that the product falls from the sky without knowing how it lands and in what situation, yet still grows into a tree. They felt that this is all very unique, especially because it is carried out using inexpensive, recyclable materials, which they found to be an impressive combination.

Sustainability Award Winner: Students
Julene Aguirre, Jacky Chung, Jonathan Fraser and Aran Dasan
Edible insects are a healthy, tasty and sustainable source of protein. But how can this become an everyday reality in the Western world? This project is a roadmap for introducing edible insects into the Western diet. This cultural leap could be achieved through a sequence of products and services that will steadily build acceptance.
Insects offer a solution to accelerating global food demand. They are much more space and energy-efficient than traditional livestock and will happily eat unwanted crops. They are also high in protein, low in fat and cholesterol, as well as rich in vitamins and minerals. The brand, “Entoˮ, was designed to build awareness of the benefits of edible insects. “Entoˮ will deliver a succession of foods and eating experiences that will gently challenge this cultural taboo. And perhaps by 2020, fresh grasshoppers will be a regular sight in the local supermarket.
Finding of the jury
The jurors felt that this proposition was very thoroughly explored. Often technology drives sustainability by using less power or better engineered products. In this instance, design is used to address cultural resistance to eating insects and to raise awareness of the need to find alternatives to unsustainably produced protein. Jurors found it to be an interesting approach to something people traditionally resist eating. They stated that the potential for success lies in the cleverness of the design, as it reframes the concept of eating insects, almost disguising them. A lot of things are eaten in this basic shape, everything from sweets to tofu, making people more likely to try it.
The jury pointed out that very often solutions go from the West to the less developed parts of the world and that this case is an intriguing reversal. They also found it interesting how the business plan begins on an environmental level, then introduces the product in restaurants, and then goes widespread. Overall, jurors agreed it is important to raise awareness of the need for new sustainable sources of protein and that this is a step in the right direction.
Insects offer a solution to accelerating global food demand. They are much more space and energy-efficient than traditional livestock and will happily eat unwanted crops. They are also high in protein, low in fat and cholesterol, as well as rich in vitamins and minerals. The brand, “Entoˮ, was designed to build awareness of the benefits of edible insects. “Entoˮ will deliver a succession of foods and eating experiences that will gently challenge this cultural taboo. And perhaps by 2020, fresh grasshoppers will be a regular sight in the local supermarket.
Finding of the jury
The jurors felt that this proposition was very thoroughly explored. Often technology drives sustainability by using less power or better engineered products. In this instance, design is used to address cultural resistance to eating insects and to raise awareness of the need to find alternatives to unsustainably produced protein. Jurors found it to be an interesting approach to something people traditionally resist eating. They stated that the potential for success lies in the cleverness of the design, as it reframes the concept of eating insects, almost disguising them. A lot of things are eaten in this basic shape, everything from sweets to tofu, making people more likely to try it.
The jury pointed out that very often solutions go from the West to the less developed parts of the world and that this case is an intriguing reversal. They also found it interesting how the business plan begins on an environmental level, then introduces the product in restaurants, and then goes widespread. Overall, jurors agreed it is important to raise awareness of the need for new sustainable sources of protein and that this is a step in the right direction.

Global Gold Award: Professionals & Enthusiasts
Oliver Klein
“Känguruˮ is a baby carrier and bicycle seat in one. It is a bi-functional solution that offers an ergonomic and safe way to get around by bicycle as well as on foot with your child. Analogous to the kangaroo, there are two modes of movement available. First, “small stepsˮ is used for short distances, offering the highest degree of flexibility on foot. Second, “big stepsˮ is used for longer distances, quick, economic and earth friendly travel by bicycle. “Känguruˮ offers a fluent transition from bicycle to walking, and vice versa, thus simplifying mobility with children in the urban environment and providing a high level of flexibility and new options in range extension. The creative goal is to be an independent design that arises from application requirements, developing a unique visual statement. The functional aim focuses on ergonomic and safety requirements and, foremost, on creating a fluent transition from one transportation mode to another.
The framework is the centerpiece of the design. Bearing safety, stability and ergonomic consideration in mind, it was developed to meet all requirements for both locomotion modes, permitting the child to remain in the carrier at all times, even when asleep. The core part of the frame was carefully elaborated in terms of statics and aesthetics. Numerous anatomical studies lead to an innovative, ergonomic carrying-system for the carrier mode. A distinct bicycle rack was developed, permitting a quick and safe mounting for the bicycle mode. “Känguruˮ can be disassembled easily and without requiring tools, permitting cleaning and exchange of single components, extending the lifecycle and reducing the ecological footprint and costs. The architecture of the frame follows the example of the hollow bone structure of birds, combining light-weight and maximum stability. This can be realized via rapid prototyping, implementing the results of force path calculation and even producing custom made dimensions and sizes.
Finding of the jury
The jurors were positive about “känguruˮ. They felt it was like having two devices at once that can be used as two different carriers in two different situations and in two different locations. The jury observed that this doesn't interrupt the flow of the task at hand. It becomes one experience instead of two different tasks such as going somewhere by bike and then going shopping.
They pointed out that the main success of this product is its use of material. The hard and soft elements are combined in a very simple way between the support material and the material that touches the carrying body and the baby’s body. Jurors felt that a lot of thought was put into the material and the way it works, like a living, flexible material.
The framework is the centerpiece of the design. Bearing safety, stability and ergonomic consideration in mind, it was developed to meet all requirements for both locomotion modes, permitting the child to remain in the carrier at all times, even when asleep. The core part of the frame was carefully elaborated in terms of statics and aesthetics. Numerous anatomical studies lead to an innovative, ergonomic carrying-system for the carrier mode. A distinct bicycle rack was developed, permitting a quick and safe mounting for the bicycle mode. “Känguruˮ can be disassembled easily and without requiring tools, permitting cleaning and exchange of single components, extending the lifecycle and reducing the ecological footprint and costs. The architecture of the frame follows the example of the hollow bone structure of birds, combining light-weight and maximum stability. This can be realized via rapid prototyping, implementing the results of force path calculation and even producing custom made dimensions and sizes.
Finding of the jury
The jurors were positive about “känguruˮ. They felt it was like having two devices at once that can be used as two different carriers in two different situations and in two different locations. The jury observed that this doesn't interrupt the flow of the task at hand. It becomes one experience instead of two different tasks such as going somewhere by bike and then going shopping.
They pointed out that the main success of this product is its use of material. The hard and soft elements are combined in a very simple way between the support material and the material that touches the carrying body and the baby’s body. Jurors felt that a lot of thought was put into the material and the way it works, like a living, flexible material.

Global Global Silver Award: Professionals & Enthusiasts
Artefact – Fernd van Engelen, Jonas Buck and Tucker Spofford
“Swypˮ is a radically simple printer concept. While many companies try to innovate printing by “adding more featuresˮ, the designers felt that the solution could come from “better core featuresˮ. This “radically simpleˮ concept uses a large touch-screen to simplify printing by allowing the user to see and manipulate, in 1:1 scale, what the finished result will look like - before printing. The underlying idea is that users’ frustration and many common problems (such as wasted time, paper and ink), could be fixed by making all aspects of the printing interaction more natural, predictable and understandable. Today most people print from multiple sources. “Swypˮ also simplifies connectivity by enabling a quick way to get printouts from the most relevant sources such as mobile devices, cameras and libraries, e.g. Flickr and Facebook.
Consumer printers represent a very mature and stagnant market. The advance of digital technologies clearly point toward a decline in the long run. Yet, people rarely lament the loss of a printer, nor do they profess the same kind of emotional attachment that they might have for other digital victims such as books, CDs, Vinyl, etc. The main reason is that, even today, consumer printing is still a complicated and annoying experience.
While many companies appear focused on adding more and more features and improving specs, the basic interaction has remained mostly untouched over the last 25 years and it is still broken. People seldom complain that their printers lack the features they desire – rather they struggle with the very basic printing tasks and don’t get the results they expect. The designers chose to focus on a solution that can breathe new life into this humble “peripheralˮ by radically simplifying it.
Finding of the jury
Jurors were unanimously positive about “Swypˮ. They found it to be a good as well as obvious solution that brings an interactive service to the printer. It simplifies the way to access the printer, to modify and adjust the pictures, and all contained in one device. They mentioned how normal document printing can be troublesome, even annoying, but found this solution to be very intuitive. It makes it possible to observe the transition from the virtual version to the printed copy, using the same interface to control the image as well as the printer. This simply makes printing easier.
The jurors commented that everyone has had to deal with a printer that either won’t connect or prints something in the wrong format. With this solution, the user sees the finished product in the actual size before it is printed, serving as a perfect bridge between hard and software. The jury pointed out that since people are increasingly working with small screens, e.g. smart-phones and other small devices, this enables them to check on a big screen before printing.
Consumer printers represent a very mature and stagnant market. The advance of digital technologies clearly point toward a decline in the long run. Yet, people rarely lament the loss of a printer, nor do they profess the same kind of emotional attachment that they might have for other digital victims such as books, CDs, Vinyl, etc. The main reason is that, even today, consumer printing is still a complicated and annoying experience.
While many companies appear focused on adding more and more features and improving specs, the basic interaction has remained mostly untouched over the last 25 years and it is still broken. People seldom complain that their printers lack the features they desire – rather they struggle with the very basic printing tasks and don’t get the results they expect. The designers chose to focus on a solution that can breathe new life into this humble “peripheralˮ by radically simplifying it.
Finding of the jury
Jurors were unanimously positive about “Swypˮ. They found it to be a good as well as obvious solution that brings an interactive service to the printer. It simplifies the way to access the printer, to modify and adjust the pictures, and all contained in one device. They mentioned how normal document printing can be troublesome, even annoying, but found this solution to be very intuitive. It makes it possible to observe the transition from the virtual version to the printed copy, using the same interface to control the image as well as the printer. This simply makes printing easier.
The jurors commented that everyone has had to deal with a printer that either won’t connect or prints something in the wrong format. With this solution, the user sees the finished product in the actual size before it is printed, serving as a perfect bridge between hard and software. The jury pointed out that since people are increasingly working with small screens, e.g. smart-phones and other small devices, this enables them to check on a big screen before printing.

Global Bronze Award: Professionals & Enthusiasts
Studio .00 – Kazuya Washio and Yu Kawashima
“Roveyˮ was conceived as a new desktop fan. Normally, fans require electricity to oscillate, but “Roveyˮ is different. It spins around on its own using its own energy. The structure of “Roveyˮ is reminiscent of the traditional Japanese balance toy, “Yajiroverˮ, which librates by balancing with a fulcrum and a center. Because of this structure, “Roveyˮ can spin by utilizing the energy generated from the wind of fan itself. “Roveyˮ is excellent at saving energy and is in harmony with its environment.
Moreover, “Roveyˮ turns 360 degrees and functions just like a ceiling fan to circulate the air. Of course, the turning function can be switched off with the stopper, and then “Roveyˮ can be used as ordinal desktop fan.
Finding of the jury
Overall, jurors were positive about “Roveyˮ. It takes a very common product to a level where it becomes a clever, almost magical sculpture, deserving a special place in one’s environment. They found the form to be very balanced, which is what the concept is all about. More than merely a fan to move the air, it creates a kind of natural ambiance.
Jurors commented that its functions are very simple, yet clever. The spinning motion is an important part of these functions. It becomes part of the wind itself, mixing the air, rather than just moving it. They found the overall effect to be more natural. It doesn't require any particular system and, with its own source of energy, works anywhere it is needed.
Moreover, “Roveyˮ turns 360 degrees and functions just like a ceiling fan to circulate the air. Of course, the turning function can be switched off with the stopper, and then “Roveyˮ can be used as ordinal desktop fan.
Finding of the jury
Overall, jurors were positive about “Roveyˮ. It takes a very common product to a level where it becomes a clever, almost magical sculpture, deserving a special place in one’s environment. They found the form to be very balanced, which is what the concept is all about. More than merely a fan to move the air, it creates a kind of natural ambiance.
Jurors commented that its functions are very simple, yet clever. The spinning motion is an important part of these functions. It becomes part of the wind itself, mixing the air, rather than just moving it. They found the overall effect to be more natural. It doesn't require any particular system and, with its own source of energy, works anywhere it is needed.

Sustainability Award Winner: Professional & Enthusiast
frog – Paul Bradley, David Gustafson, Jonas Damon, Jinseok Hwang, Ryan Wickre and Brian Wasson
“Revolverˮ is a portable wind turbine for charging personal electronics when they are off the grid. Transported in a slender tube, “Revolverˮ is easily set up. When compressed, the outer layer blossoms into 4 curved blades, revealing a lower assembly of a tripod base. Spikes on the tips anchor “Revolverˮ to the ground during high winds. It can generate up to 35 watts of power, enough to keep a laptop charged, a lantern lit or power a phone, camera or other mobile device.
A new product category is emerging: “personal powerˮ. This means mobile, unconnected power gathered for free from renewable resources like sun, wind and water. Personal power is the ability to harness the energy potential around us. “Revolverˮ embraces a future beyond toxic back-up batteries and fossil fuel-generated power. As focus turns to renewable energy sources around us – solar, hydro, wind – the designers examined which of these is the most desirable and efficient for certain applications.
Unlike solar and hydro, wind power is not limited to the day, night or geographic location –wind is everywhere outside. Harnessing its potential is a matter of human ingenuity. “Revolverˮ is engineered to harness the greatest amount of wind power with the smallest footprint, in a highly portable configuration. “Revolverˮ has been designed and engineered to package these criteria into a form factor that will become the new archetype and expression for personal power, a form that captures the imagination and emotion of today’s consumers. “Revolverˮ was designed to appeal to discerning and savvy early adopters of technology, as much as to the average consumer, as a highly elegant and functional solution to answer a universal need: mobile power and true freedom from the grid.
Finding of the jury
They jury thought that this could be a very effective and useful way to generate power. They were impressed by the complete design, function and level of efficiency. It’s a very attractive idea deployed in a very simple, elegant form with its curved blades. It is compact, simple and easy to fold.
Jurors stated that this also has potential for other applications in daily life. Moreover, it would be helpful in many situations, not just at campsites or in emergencies. They felt the product conveys awareness and puts users in charge of their own electricity needs. It provides them with greater flexibility to generate power without requiring any other means.
The jury found that it was an interesting way of thinking, having one small generator for one small purpose. They felt that the direction, in which this product is headed, is very promising and makes a lot of sense.
A new product category is emerging: “personal powerˮ. This means mobile, unconnected power gathered for free from renewable resources like sun, wind and water. Personal power is the ability to harness the energy potential around us. “Revolverˮ embraces a future beyond toxic back-up batteries and fossil fuel-generated power. As focus turns to renewable energy sources around us – solar, hydro, wind – the designers examined which of these is the most desirable and efficient for certain applications.
Unlike solar and hydro, wind power is not limited to the day, night or geographic location –wind is everywhere outside. Harnessing its potential is a matter of human ingenuity. “Revolverˮ is engineered to harness the greatest amount of wind power with the smallest footprint, in a highly portable configuration. “Revolverˮ has been designed and engineered to package these criteria into a form factor that will become the new archetype and expression for personal power, a form that captures the imagination and emotion of today’s consumers. “Revolverˮ was designed to appeal to discerning and savvy early adopters of technology, as much as to the average consumer, as a highly elegant and functional solution to answer a universal need: mobile power and true freedom from the grid.
Finding of the jury
They jury thought that this could be a very effective and useful way to generate power. They were impressed by the complete design, function and level of efficiency. It’s a very attractive idea deployed in a very simple, elegant form with its curved blades. It is compact, simple and easy to fold.
Jurors stated that this also has potential for other applications in daily life. Moreover, it would be helpful in many situations, not just at campsites or in emergencies. They felt the product conveys awareness and puts users in charge of their own electricity needs. It provides them with greater flexibility to generate power without requiring any other means.
The jury found that it was an interesting way of thinking, having one small generator for one small purpose. They felt that the direction, in which this product is headed, is very promising and makes a lot of sense.
2009 – Envision conscious design!

BraunPrize 2009 Winner
Johanna Schoemaker
The Clam OLED Lamp is based on the image of a flower opening in daylight, but the light behaves in purposefully contrary way, opening to provide light as soon it is switched on. The light’s opening angle – and therefore the light emission of the lamp’s’ bulbs and the colour and intensity of the light – can be adjusted. The ceiling lamp includes a remote control that can also be used to pre-select different dynamic light programs. The lamp’s visual characteristics have also been intensified as part of this eye-catching design, namely, slimness, transparency, lightness and flatness.
Jury statement
This design not only makes good use of technological innovation, but also represents a high degree of design quality resulting in an entirely positive user experience. Even though the project has neither changed the general idea nor the function of a lamp generally, the design uses the thoughtful application of latest OLED technology with a well-judged calibration of wavelength to create a highly functional and aesthetic object.
Jury statement
This design not only makes good use of technological innovation, but also represents a high degree of design quality resulting in an entirely positive user experience. Even though the project has neither changed the general idea nor the function of a lamp generally, the design uses the thoughtful application of latest OLED technology with a well-judged calibration of wavelength to create a highly functional and aesthetic object.

BraunPrize 2009 Finalist
Stephan Zimmermann
At present, there is no effective and environmentally compatible solution for cleaning the hulls of ships, particularly when it comes to biological deposits such as algae and mussels. Anemone is designed to address this problem in a time effective and environmentally conscious way.
Anemone utilises the principle of an ultrasonic cleaner, which generates controlled gas implosions in liquid to remove deposits without touching the surface. As ships often wait for days before entering a port, using Anemone would transform this wasted waiting time into an opportunity for regular cleaning. Even more impressively, this process then removes the need for any harmful cleaning products which could disturb the balance of ecosystems in the water.
Anemone has also been designed to run on energy generated by a wind turbine further strengthening this project’s sustainability credentials.
Jury statement
This project is visionary in several respects. Instead of limiting a solution to aesthetics only, it demonstrates how design can be applied to solve environmental problems. It is conscious and holistic in how it relates to the key stakeholder groups.
Furthermore the project is courageous as it is embracing the disciplines of Design, Engineering and Nautical Science. This impressive, interdisciplinary approach requires a deep understanding of technical details and thorough research, all of which helped Anemone to become one of the outstanding proposals that we received.
Anemone utilises the principle of an ultrasonic cleaner, which generates controlled gas implosions in liquid to remove deposits without touching the surface. As ships often wait for days before entering a port, using Anemone would transform this wasted waiting time into an opportunity for regular cleaning. Even more impressively, this process then removes the need for any harmful cleaning products which could disturb the balance of ecosystems in the water.
Anemone has also been designed to run on energy generated by a wind turbine further strengthening this project’s sustainability credentials.
Jury statement
This project is visionary in several respects. Instead of limiting a solution to aesthetics only, it demonstrates how design can be applied to solve environmental problems. It is conscious and holistic in how it relates to the key stakeholder groups.
Furthermore the project is courageous as it is embracing the disciplines of Design, Engineering and Nautical Science. This impressive, interdisciplinary approach requires a deep understanding of technical details and thorough research, all of which helped Anemone to become one of the outstanding proposals that we received.

BraunPrize 2009 Finalist
Karsten Willman
Skylino has been designed to safely secure children under the age of two when flying, even during take-off, landing, turbulence, emergency landings and possible evacuation. Skylino does not incur any extra costs for parents, as no additional seat is required. Instead Skylino enhances the natural bond between mother and child, which soothes the latter and causes it to cry less. From the departure gate onwards, this innovation makes it easier for the family to board the aircraft and to move about in narrow aisles.
In the event of an emergency, mother and child can leave the cabin just as quickly as other passengers, as the child is secured to the mother at all times. A back stabilizer provides protection against acceleration forces during landing and helps to prevent injury during evacuation. The carrier function gives the mother the necessary freedom of movement to prop herself up and to keep her balance on the emergency chute.
Jury statement
This project is a perfect example for approaching a problem in a holistic, conscious way. Accordingly Skylino does not only address the multiple‚ technical scenarios of flight safety when travelling with a baby, but also keeps the psychological importance of parent-child connectivity during emergencies in mind. In addition, the idea of the design can be easily transferred to other transportation vehicles as well where similar solutions do not exist yet.
In the event of an emergency, mother and child can leave the cabin just as quickly as other passengers, as the child is secured to the mother at all times. A back stabilizer provides protection against acceleration forces during landing and helps to prevent injury during evacuation. The carrier function gives the mother the necessary freedom of movement to prop herself up and to keep her balance on the emergency chute.
Jury statement
This project is a perfect example for approaching a problem in a holistic, conscious way. Accordingly Skylino does not only address the multiple‚ technical scenarios of flight safety when travelling with a baby, but also keeps the psychological importance of parent-child connectivity during emergencies in mind. In addition, the idea of the design can be easily transferred to other transportation vehicles as well where similar solutions do not exist yet.

BraunPrize 2009 Finalist
Tobias Stuntebeck
The objective for White cane was to develop, through careful research of the target market, a tactile tool for blind people based on the traditional model but adapted to reflect state-of-the-art technology.
The White cane essentially provides even more insight to help guide those with visual impairments. An aluminium oxide tip provides precise information that is both heard and felt. This combines the advantages of the “two-point touch technique” with those of the “constant
contact technique”. While the sound of a ceramic ball maps surrounding space acoustically, conveying direct, clear information about the structure of the ground surface that lies ahead.
A laser, which is programmed to the height of the user, is integrated into the top third of the cane and alerts him or her of obstacles above the cane, making it possible to avoid these without contact. The construction is reliable and extremely hard-wearing. With its unique three-part system, it can be extended or collapsed quickly and easily.
Jury statement
This project is a very good example of transforming existing components into a new, innovative and relevant solution. In contrast to a classical white cane this solution indicates a tactical and acoustical impression of objects that are still out of reach of the cane and the user; a clear provision of added value.
The White cane essentially provides even more insight to help guide those with visual impairments. An aluminium oxide tip provides precise information that is both heard and felt. This combines the advantages of the “two-point touch technique” with those of the “constant
contact technique”. While the sound of a ceramic ball maps surrounding space acoustically, conveying direct, clear information about the structure of the ground surface that lies ahead.
A laser, which is programmed to the height of the user, is integrated into the top third of the cane and alerts him or her of obstacles above the cane, making it possible to avoid these without contact. The construction is reliable and extremely hard-wearing. With its unique three-part system, it can be extended or collapsed quickly and easily.
Jury statement
This project is a very good example of transforming existing components into a new, innovative and relevant solution. In contrast to a classical white cane this solution indicates a tactical and acoustical impression of objects that are still out of reach of the cane and the user; a clear provision of added value.
2007 – Design a real future – Face it!

BraunPrize 2007 Winner
Donn Koh
This product is a new type of walker for children suffering from cerebral polio or spina bifida. ‘LeapFrog’ encourages and supports children with impaired mobility to rise from a sedentary position, allows them to practice walking and attaining balance as well as allowing for short sedentary breaks. The adjustment between the various positions, (i.e. sitting, standing and walking) takes place in an automatic way and responds to the intention and movement of the child. In addition, ‘LeapFrog’ stops moving automatically when the child assumes a sedentary position. This feature prevents crashing and sliding when sitting and therefore prevents the child from acquiring erroneous movement patterns. The mechanism for the support when in a standing position can be set according to weight and therefore can be adjusted according to the child‘s development. ‘LeapFrog’ not only supports the physical development, but also the independence and selfconfidence of the child. It reinterprets a ‘painfully’ medical appearance with a product that appears to be caring and playful.
Finding of the Jury
This design product is the result of thorough user research and offers a complex yet practical solution to different forms of physical disability. The jury was impressed by the product’s adaptability to different disabilities, the way it adjusts to individual users’ unique challenges and its effectiveness as a form of physical therapy that motivates improvement and self-worth.
Finding of the Jury
This design product is the result of thorough user research and offers a complex yet practical solution to different forms of physical disability. The jury was impressed by the product’s adaptability to different disabilities, the way it adjusts to individual users’ unique challenges and its effectiveness as a form of physical therapy that motivates improvement and self-worth.

BraunPrize 2007 Finalist
Bruno Peral Bey
‘MENGIN’ is features a combination of a container and cooking utensil which allows for the preparation and enjoyment of meals from different cultures, with an emphasis on the communal aspect of food preparation. ‘MENGIN’ is comprised of four different ceramic components which can be combined as desired to offer changing visual impressions depending on the type of food preparation. The Ceran hotplate always constitutes the basis for the different combination possibilities of the containers and allows the respective combination arrangement to highlight the origin and tradition of a particular way of food preparation.
Finding of the Jury
This domestic product represents an innovative experience of diverse cultures and cuisines by blending ancient craft with contemporary technology. The cooking experience celebrates communal activity and demonstrates the continued importance of local craft and tradition in a global world. The visual design suggests proportion and harmony complemented by materials and colours that create a warm and authentic experience.
Finding of the Jury
This domestic product represents an innovative experience of diverse cultures and cuisines by blending ancient craft with contemporary technology. The cooking experience celebrates communal activity and demonstrates the continued importance of local craft and tradition in a global world. The visual design suggests proportion and harmony complemented by materials and colours that create a warm and authentic experience.

BraunPrize 2007 Finalist
Franziska Faoro
‘triops’ is a robust digital camera which allows the user to experience new perspectives and perceptions and takes the potential of digital photography to a new level. The camera is equipped with three protected fisheye lenses and allows for an active, spontaneous and playful photographing experience. This product can take images while being thrown, suspended or just being placed in an unusual location. It captures the moment by responding to sound or movement, or by reacting to the manually operated release. Sequentially taken photographs are possible as well as 360 degree panorama images. All working parts are integrated in the robust casing and can be operated easily and intuitively. Pictures can be wirelessly transmitted to a separate display unit for display. This unit functions as a processing and storage device and the camera‘s charging station.
Finding of the Jury
This innovative, conceptual yet practical product captures the spontaneity of the moment by showing unexpected images and perspectives of our experiences. The product develops the idea that our point of view is sometimes arbitrary and not controlled by the photographer. As a result the act of picture taking does not remove the photographer from the experience. The jury believes that further development and extension of the basic idea could result in a wide range of exciting applications in many different areas, such as children’s education and artistic expression.
Finding of the Jury
This innovative, conceptual yet practical product captures the spontaneity of the moment by showing unexpected images and perspectives of our experiences. The product develops the idea that our point of view is sometimes arbitrary and not controlled by the photographer. As a result the act of picture taking does not remove the photographer from the experience. The jury believes that further development and extension of the basic idea could result in a wide range of exciting applications in many different areas, such as children’s education and artistic expression.

BraunPrize 2007 Finalist
Lena Billmeier, David Baur
This future-oriented concept looks at the topics of ecological sustainability as one of the greatest challenges of our time. It visualizes the abstract and almost imperceptible process regarding the consumption of natural resources at a personal and societal level. Small objects for private households and sculptures for public spaces reflect, by way of structural and formal mutations, the economization of resources in terms of a benchmark value as defined by the IRO (International Resource Organisation). By means of a three step scale, symbolizing either no economization, justifiable average consumption or the achievement of the benchmark value. The subject of energy comes visually alive and at the same time encourages society to be more conscious regarding the usage of resources.
Finding of the Jury
This inspirational, beautiful sculptural work embodies one of the most critical issues of our time and expands the parameters of civic design. It has the capacity to engage and bring together an urban population, to raise awareness and educate people and to encourage social action and responsibility about the environment. The jury would like to see further research into finding viable materials and technology to accomplish the constantly changing geometry of the sculpture.
Finding of the Jury
This inspirational, beautiful sculptural work embodies one of the most critical issues of our time and expands the parameters of civic design. It has the capacity to engage and bring together an urban population, to raise awareness and educate people and to encourage social action and responsibility about the environment. The jury would like to see further research into finding viable materials and technology to accomplish the constantly changing geometry of the sculpture.
2005 – Dream real products!

BraunPrize 2005 Winner
Jens Andersson
The Rescue Buoy is a life guard assistant in the form of a rescue buoy that monitors the water to detect possible rescue situation in time. Life guards are able to find the rescue situation from land, but have problems locating the spot while out on water. The Rescue Buoy solves this problem by identifying the problem, contacting the life guard on shore to determine the right action, and if needed, moving towards the location to act as a floatation device and a positioning marker until further assistance arrives. The buoy is meant to work in a team with other buoys cover-ing the whole width of the beach, each observing a distance of 150 meters. Besides emergency situations, it also makes beach guests feel safe from off shore winds and shark attacks. The Rescue Buoy brings the robotic application into a new field by finding, consulting and solving an actual problem that would save human lives.
Finding of the Jury
The jury found that this project touches a very interes-ting category, which is the one of life saving in com-bination with robot technique. Currently you see many projects in the area of serving robots; the topic of live saving robots is quite rare and has a higher social value. “Rescue Buoy” is a floating robot, which observes beaches, can track somebody in case of an emergency and save him (with some control of the live guard). Several problems are obviously: The deep, which restricts the performance in shallow waters; the water stream of the drive in the direction of the person, who is rescued; energy. Finally, there is a long way to go until the project becomes a product.
Finding of the Jury
The jury found that this project touches a very interes-ting category, which is the one of life saving in com-bination with robot technique. Currently you see many projects in the area of serving robots; the topic of live saving robots is quite rare and has a higher social value. “Rescue Buoy” is a floating robot, which observes beaches, can track somebody in case of an emergency and save him (with some control of the live guard). Several problems are obviously: The deep, which restricts the performance in shallow waters; the water stream of the drive in the direction of the person, who is rescued; energy. Finally, there is a long way to go until the project becomes a product.

BraunPrize 2005 Finalist
Adriano B. Galvao
Easy-XM is a hand-held device that simplifies the process of selecting, attaching and handling vials during blood sample collection. Blood specimen collection is a crucial procedure to the human health assessment. Easy-XM was designed to substitute the traditional blood sample holders with more than one vial. This device consists of more vials attached to the main passage. The flow can be controll-ed by moving a switch that directs the sample to each vial without having to halt the procedure. The key func-tion is to ease the process of blood specimen collection for nurses by reducing vial manipulation, eliminating the need to draw vials in a specific sequence, and preventing the collapse of patients’ veins. Easy-XM increases the accuracy of blood exam results and increases the nurses’ efficiency while eliminating potentials for errors. Easy-XM could half the time spent on each blood draw in comparison to other sampling techniques.
Finding of the Jury
This Project is an innovative approach to blood collection that improves both the work of the phlebotomist or the doctor when taking samples. The discomfort of the patient is reduced through the preloading up to 4 vacuum containers into a carrier. It is not only a func-tional improvement but also psychological one as the patient gets the impression that the process is faster and more efficient. The precision requirements of the sliding valve mechanism require further development.
Finding of the Jury
This Project is an innovative approach to blood collection that improves both the work of the phlebotomist or the doctor when taking samples. The discomfort of the patient is reduced through the preloading up to 4 vacuum containers into a carrier. It is not only a func-tional improvement but also psychological one as the patient gets the impression that the process is faster and more efficient. The precision requirements of the sliding valve mechanism require further development.

BraunPrize 2005 Finalist
Gregory Scott
Yolk is a design for a head protection device which revolutionizes the image and associations the specific user group has with safety equipment. Under regular use, Yolk is semi-rigid and comfortable, but when subjected to impact it instantaneously forms a stiff shell dispersing and absorbing the energy. This is achieved by utilizing a polypropylene beaded liner and a Kevlar skin impregnated with thickening fluid. The liner can be fitted with a choice of skins to match the users’ personal style, breaking the boundary between safety and fashion. This head protection also allows the user to plug in a two way radio, music player or mobile phone to the integrated headphones and controls. Yolk addresses the physical, psychological and social barriers young skiers and snowboarders have with wearing head protection. This product should decrease the percentage of young adults that reject the use of helmets due to comfort, inconvenience and negative image association.
Finding of the Jury
The jury chose this project because it addresses a very important safety issue for snowboarders. The target group is very unique in their needs and desires, they would prefer to take the risk of injury than wearing a safety helmet. This new product is a really nice example of function meeting fashion. Strong aspects of the project are the well resolved integration of technology and the innovative use of a gel like material that changes its properties under impact. The way that the helmet is secured on the head could be further developed.
Finding of the Jury
The jury chose this project because it addresses a very important safety issue for snowboarders. The target group is very unique in their needs and desires, they would prefer to take the risk of injury than wearing a safety helmet. This new product is a really nice example of function meeting fashion. Strong aspects of the project are the well resolved integration of technology and the innovative use of a gel like material that changes its properties under impact. The way that the helmet is secured on the head could be further developed.

BraunPrize 2005 Finalist
Lynn Borneman
This concept is based on breathing diseases in horses and attempts to prevent airway illness by monitoring the health of the horse in motion. Echo Equine is based on one of the most common medical problems that affect sport horses; E.I.P.H. (Exercise Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhaging). As this type of breathing disorder is caused from strenuous activity, this product has been specifically designed to be used during movement. This diagnostic tool monitors breathing pressure, temperature, pulse, nasal sounds and acceleration while cataloguing each training day to ensure continual communication between horse, rider and veterinarian, ensuring the horses wellbeing. As an animal becomes a silent client in this design concept, as the product tends to focus on the animal factors rather than the human ones.
Finding of the Jury
This project is an innovation in the interface between man and animal. It is a new means of collecting information and physiological parameters from, in this case a horse but could be applied to other animals. There was a great depth of research and the communication of the concept was clearly presented. This is a well grounded new design concept, although it requires more design detail work into the functional interfaces of the product. Recognition for outstanding quality in technology
Finding of the Jury
This project is an innovation in the interface between man and animal. It is a new means of collecting information and physiological parameters from, in this case a horse but could be applied to other animals. There was a great depth of research and the communication of the concept was clearly presented. This is a well grounded new design concept, although it requires more design detail work into the functional interfaces of the product. Recognition for outstanding quality in technology

BraunPrize 2005 Finalist
Wa Yao
The Mesh Editor wants to reveal the idea that a design can extend the possibilities of a specified plan. The Mesh Editor is a mobile space design that helps people to create large span space structures fast, easy and safe. The size of the space made by Mesh Editor depends on the number of triangular repetitions. It can form either long corridor type or hemisphere type structures. The shape can be varied by loosening or fastening the ropes of the frame. Since the shape of the structure can be altered, there are a variety of applications for it. It can be used for sports, concerts, outdoor events or as a stationary cover for a certain purpose. Its function comes from exploring its possibilities. The characteristics of the Mesh Editor permit this product to be not only considered as industrial design, but also as experimental architecture.
Finding of the Jury
This is an architectural concept with many varying app-lications. It can be considered as an industrial design at an architectural scale. The ability for buildings to change shape and size quickly is very intriguing. The concept of structure becoming a living organism is very exciting. The mechanisms and applications require further development.
Finding of the Jury
This is an architectural concept with many varying app-lications. It can be considered as an industrial design at an architectural scale. The ability for buildings to change shape and size quickly is very intriguing. The concept of structure becoming a living organism is very exciting. The mechanisms and applications require further development.
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